There are numerous scientific studies out there that prove that our very intentions affect and influence people, plants, machines, even at remote distance. Sorry, can I just repeat myself. Our very intentions. Affect the world around us. Scientific evidence. I'll just allow that to sink in for a moment.
I don't think this is much discussed or people actually realise the meaning of this research.. And then I look on the TV and see reality shows and brain numbing material and want to go out and shout to the public saying "We are beautiful and have more potential than we can ever imagine, why are we letting ourselves be sucked into the mundane, trapped by the ordinary, stuck in routine?" The oldest part or "circuit" of the human brain is supposed to be the reptilian brain, and is concerned with routines. Located in the brain stem, it is concerned with our autonomous vital needs and our fight-or-flight system. It is concerned with routine, as stated, and instincts, rituals. Despite our newer, higher brain forms a lot of people tend to stay on this base level. However you can hardly blame people when the media and advertising use techniques to appeal to this part of the brain, and lower people down to a baser level. Notice how a lot of people can be quick to anger, have road rage, not think rationally, are wrapped up in routines and rituals constantly, and cannot think for themselves to a great deal. This could be because of the reptilian-derived part of the brain. We should be above this by now, but either consciously or unconsciously the institutions that be (media, gvt. etc) appear to be keeping everyone on a baser level utilising fear, sex (media- sex sells), routines, discouraging thought (possibly not actively but mainstream TV does not provoke too much thinking in the average viewer), anger, discouraging spirituality (from a rationalist perspective- "spirituality is nonsense", "there's no evidence for it"- despite large advances in scientific theory that often are downplayed or not given as much coverage in the media) which aims to raise people's consciousness to higher thinking instead of the baser levels. Think to yourself, how often do you get lost in routine, feel dazed and confused as to what else to do, or how often do you switch off and watch dull TV, or are quick to anger, or are persuaded by advertising and marketing appealing to the reptilian aspect... Maybe if we start to catch ourselves doing it we can get out of this brain-fogging that the mainstream media and institutions seem to be (actively or not) encouraging.
David Icke has given an interesting lecture about this going even further as to say that our education system makes us only use the left side of the brain by massing input to be reguritated out at exams, by the way the right side of the brain is the creative side so by breaking the contact between these two brain halves from an early age we will never question society, it is how it is in our minds but just how much is in our minds? I think we are or have been trapped in our own minds and i have personally seen in various countries proof of this and the best example is Germany or the German people, the English have also been heavily affected, the Americans, well just look how they are now and we generalise all these people but they have been programmed to be how they are and as long as we keep watching television and keep obeying their rules we will remain trapped in our own mind prisons bedcause at the end of the day the mind is one of the greatest things but we see ourselves as being ourselves and this is not right, this way of thinking has to change or it is just going to get worse....
ReplyDeleteCheck out Alan Watts- a conversation with myself, from 1973 on youtube
Cool I will check out that vid in a second.
ReplyDeleteAnother point about creativity and such is the pineal gland, I have been looking into that lately and the pineal gland is very important yet very misunderstood in the human brain. It is supposed to be linked to the sleep/wake cycle, as well as supposedly "intuition" and spirituality says it is linked to the third eye or 6th chakra, so basically very important. But an interesting point it that the pineal gland calcifies as adults age, and one of the causes for this is fluoride, which is pumped into our tap water. There are people out there very angry at this and believe it is intentional.
And I have felt that in the education system, that creativity is stifled. They teach you to pass the exams, it feels like individuality and creativity is discouraged even at a young age. School is just an institution to shape and form young people into a society the leaders control.
And have you heard the saying, "The Nazi's never lost the war, they just had to move?" After the war hundreds of Nazi scientists moved to America to join CIA and government projects... There is the Nazi eagle on the dollar bill.. There is an American Naval Base shaped like a Swastika: