Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Basic Essentials or Required Luxuries?

As I sat here in bed, reflecting on the series of events that had occurred over the course of the weekend, I happened to glance at the time. 7.48 am. Dusk. 12 minutes until the landlords come round. 12 minutes until they close in, the people from the other side of the veil, coming to inspect the house with the South West's senior Drugs Analysis Expert, some guy who I knew would turn up in a metallic foil jumpsuit complete with a metal detector and forensic dogs that could sniff out a single crumb of intoxicant from up to a mile away.

They said they were going to check out the loft, or cave in the walls or something. Save us some money on heating. It's ok, I wanted to say to them. We haven't even paid any bills yet. The urge to just ride it out, see how long we could go was in the air. There was no point hiding it. There was several letters from the TV licensing people threatening to come round and break the door down, handcuff us and drag us out of our beds at some god-forsaken hour when I would not even be watching the deadly Tele-visual Device. But still it remained unpaid.

So I was sat there in bed, time going weird on me, hard to keep track. I went down to tidy up some more. But the house is too far gone. Strange things went on this weekend, things you cannot just tidy away at 7.35 am on a monday morning.. What day is it? My sources tell me Tuesday but I am dubious... By the Gods, has it only been 4 days since Clarity? Reason? When you begin a serious session, even just a fat smoke, a bit of a kain, the tendency is to push it too far, see how much you can ride it out, to see if you can still maintain and continue to ingest these mind-altering and messy intoxicants whilst keeping your grip on reality, some sort of sanity and light at the end of the tunnel.. Some light to work towards and to help guide you as you crawl your way back to life and sanity again. And we had pushed it.

8.10 am. They should be here any second. Everyone else is still asleep. Locked in their coma's, their bodies doing one final drastic thing to cleanse and to heal- complete unconsciousness. Even our clean housemate is gone, out cold I presume, probably picking up on the vibes and feeling the energy forms of the house. Bad vibrations, messy chakra's. I began to roll a spliiff, perfectly aware that the land-lords would soon arrive in this no-smoking, buttoned-down Christian house, to set loose the hounds and flush us out of our drug filled dens. I didn't care. I needed this spliff. Some kind of normality to set me straight. It had been a very messy and confusing weekend. The 4 days had seemed like a lifetime, a long week. Confusing vibrations.

I only had one Rizla. Disaster. This was terrible. Here I was, in bed, and with the Lords of the Land coming over, to let themselves in, with one skin to roll this joint. No time to move and search. Was it over? Were they already here? I could hear noises.. What would they see?

Too much had happened to cover it all up. It was pointless. Inevitability. To clean up too much would have been suspicious. They would be expecting some mess, some proof of chaos. We were, after all, students. Students of the World. Give them what they expect, no more, no less, and they will draw their own conclusions, their rambling nonsensical ideas of what goes on would be satisfied, with hopefully no idea as to why the vibrations got so messy, why it deteriorated, and why there are mushroom heads and stalk on the kitchen table.

Like I said I tried to clean it up, part of me could not see and was still only half awake. Coughing and spluttering I made my way downstairs and tried to piece it all together. I needed a some chocolate milkshake, the cold calcium-enriched lactose blend would inspire clarity and soothe. Enrich the body, it was now time for the Detox session. A week of cleansing and purifying the body, flush the toxins out of the body, get a grip. Don't show them any fear. The hounds will be after you. For money, bills, rent. You name it, they will find you. But show true grit, never back down, and you will get by. They do, after all, want to break you. It inspires complacency if you give up too soon. Rather, start as you mean to go on, give nothing away, and they will not know what to do. We haven't even set up our bills, let alone paid anything. Yet they still pump this house daily with gas, running water, electricity. Basic essentials or required luxuries? The vibrations were still confusing, sounds downstairs, hard to maintain and find out what was truly going on. I need some roach.

Next to me on the cabinet, lay the last incense stick. A van. Is that them? But it was necessary. Smoke the spliff, light the stick, pass out. Hopefully I would sleep through the worst of it. But still, it worried me. How much would they see? What would they truly notice? Would they pick up on the vibrations? The wavelength of the house? Would they see the hidden evidence? The subtle tones and shades and object placement that showed signs of a massive drug binge? A powerful and intense trip that spanned this long weeked.. how much would they know?!

It started out as a simple enough Friday night. But there was something in the... That was definitely them. Car door.. noise. I only just lit the J, would I have ...time..? - Some tones in the air that said that we all wanted to get fucked. It was subtle, but the vibrations were telling us, nay warning us that it was going to get messy, we must prepare. Stockpile the drugs, you never know what you might need, when you might need it. Doorbell. Ground ZER0. ( I think they are in the house) what to do.

They are inside the house.

I put the joint out and welcomed unconsciousness. It came quickly. One last survival mechanism, body shut down. No sound, do not attract their attention. The knocking on the door continued and so did the doorbell, disturbing the vibrations in the house- nobody stirred, I was losing consciousness fast and had no intentions of moving.. then they were inside the house. It was out of my hands.. They would see it all for what it was.. It was over..

12.01pm... The people are inside the loft. For now. So tempting to lock them in there, cutting off their escape route and leaving them stranded.. They only want to survey us anyway. They did that once, came round to go into the loft but never came down. After a while we assumed they'd gone and sparked a joint. They probably left in the night, after they had surveyed us and reported us to the appropriate authorities. But we hadn't done anything wrong, not yet.

Not sure what to do. Still on another wavelength, vibrations chilled and thoughtful. Who knows what the day will bring? Full of potential, but no skins it seems. Means a trip to the shop is inevitable. But not quite ready to leave the house yet. I must find a RiZLA []

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