Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Friday, 11 June 2010
Manifestations Part 1. of 1.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Our Veins are full of Oil, Their Pockets are full of Money.
"Video recordings reveal a $3 million bribery scheme implicating the judge presiding over the environmental lawsuit currently pending against Chevron and individuals who identify themselves as representatives of the Ecuadorian government and its ruling party"
Chevron has posted the videos on their website, complete with PDF Video Transcripts and the letter written to the 'Ecuadorian Prosecutor General'. Perhaps this is just me, but I feel that during a lawsuit, it is a perhaps a bit wrong for the opposition to be posting videos and reports onto their website, that they are later relying on in court as evidence. Questions arise immediately as to how Chevron got ahold of video footage of secret meetings. Are Chevron employing spies now? Have they hired Ecuadorians to record these secret meetings? Or are they even more sinister than imagined, are they setting up these bribes and corruption, letting Ecuadorian individuals take the fall and essentially undermining the whole lawsuit?
"Chevron (CVX) has filled a claim with the American Arbitration Association (AAA), so that the Ecuadorian oil company, Petroecuador, will take on any clean up costs and legal fees if Chevron (CVX) loses the lawsuit to the Amazon residents. The Ecuadorian Government and Petroecuador have filled a suit with New York's Supreme Court against Chevron (CVX) and the AAA to stop the arbitration proceedings, which have been temporarily suspended."
So the lawsuit has not yet reached a conclusion, and the multi-billion dollar corporation is already trying to ensure that an Ecuadorian oil company takes on the clean up costs and the legal fees, which goes against many of the principles that the trial is essentially founded upon. It is obvious that 30,000 Ecuadorians have not filed a lawsuit so that one of their own oil companies takes on the costs of Chevron's actions, particularly if Chevron loses the lawsuit. This is on top of Chevron's "Motions" to disqualify Nunez and his rulings. So as well as attempting to void the result of the lawsuit, Chevron are also attempting to ensure that should they lose, they are not liable for the clean up costs or legal fees.
The trial has been ongoing since 2003, and these accusations and games will only serve to prolong the trial. As soon as money comes into the picture, greed and deceit come into play. Chevron doesn't want to admit responsibility, or pay out any money to clean up the toxic waste and the repercussions its had. Ecuadorian individuals involved in the lawsuit have been accused of bribery and corruption. And all this while, the 30,000 Ecuadorians who filed the lawsuit, as well as many more that stand by them, suffer all the more while money causes more problems, and those responsible for the harm caused to these people are tied up in the courts, the law, bureaucracy, paperwork, etc etc, meaning that a decision will still be a long time coming. And reparations to the Ecuadorian area will be longer still. The 30,000 Ecuadorians do not, I imagine, ultimately care about how much money Chevron is made to pay, or if they admit to all the damages or not. They do not care if their lawyers or judge is involved in bribery or not. Ultimately, all these Ecuadorians want is for clean, safe land once more, for an end to the suffering and harm caused to the people and the subsequent generations born in the regions. And this is the same for all people across the globe, who have had to suffer at the hands of multi-national corporations who have more rights than individual human beings, and more money than many countries on the planet today. For these people to get back their safe land and their health, they cannot wage war. They cannot take arms against the intangible corporation, they cannot vote them out of their country or refuse them entry onto their land. They cannot realistically protect their land and its resources from the bloated, wealthy corporations who take the country's resources and sell it on at profit. So they have filed a lawsuit, trying to use the legal system to protect their rights, their basic human rights, and their land. But not having lived in a modern, wealthy capitalist society, these Ecuadorians have not realised something: the legal system protects the wealthy and the corporations, over and above the rights of the individual. And when money is involved, these 30,000 Ecuadorians are pushed to one side whilst arguments of bribery, corruption and unfair practices are uncovered. My hope and compassion is not with the Ecuadorians involved in the lawsuit- the judges and the lawyers and the other individuals. Though I wish them success with winning the lawsuit, bribery/corruption is not acceptable and only serves to weaken their defence against Chevron, who have filed against Judge Nunez and his future rulings. My hope and compassion is with the 30,000 Ecuadorians who filed the lawsuit, and those who suffer even now as we in the West live in comfort, using the oil taken from countries like Ecuador to enhance our standards of living. Because truly, they do not care about the money, or for "revenge" on Chevron; for them it would be enough, I imagine, for the land to be made safe again, their waters to be made clean, and for the damage that has been done in the name of profits to be reversed.
The damages that the Ecuadorians are filing to be reversed have come from 30 years of oil drilling. Chevron's continuing tactics to divert attention and responsibility from its own actions will only serve to lengthen the ongoing lawsuit and may undermine the final rulings. Ecuadorians are still struggling for survival with devastating levels of miscarriages, cancers and birth defects as a result of the toxic waste that still pollutes the area.
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Lisbon Treaty
Well I don't really know what to say, I've written a couple below and said my thoughts on it, I'm still unbiased and not really sure what to think, so I thought I would post some of the clauses of the treaty and see what everyone thinks?
Article 2
Throughout the Treaty:
(a) the words ‘Community’ and ‘European Community’ shall be replaced by ‘Union’ and any
necessary grammatical changes shall be made, the words ‘European Communities’ shall
be replaced by ‘European Union’
(c) the words ‘the Council [shall], acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in
Article 251’ shall be replaced by ‘the European Parliament'
Page C306/14
Article 8A-4:
"Political parties at European level contribute to forming European political awareness
and to expressing the will of citizens of the Union."
(At the EU’s Party Financing Conference in Madrid in June 1999,parties at the European level were defined as parties with voters in more than 10 countries. Therefore, we do not express the views of "The Union")
Page 306/34
Section 2 "Provisions on the common security and defence policy"
49) (a):
"1. The common security and defence policy shall be an integral part of the common
foreign and security policy. It shall provide the Union with an operational capacity
drawing on civilian and military assets. The Union may use them on missions outside the
Union for peace-keeping, conflict prevention and strengthening international security in
accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter. The performance of these
tasks shall be undertaken using capabilities provided by the Member States.’;"
49) (c)
"3. Member States shall make civilian and military capabilities available to the Union
for the implementation of the common security and defence policy, to contribute to the
objectives defined by the Council. Those Member States which together establish
multinational forces may also make them available to the common security and defence
Member States shall undertake progressively to improve their military capabilities.(!!!!!!) The
Agency in the field of defence capabilities development, research, acquisition and
armaments (hereinafter referred to as “the European Defence Agency”) shall identify
operational requirements, shall promote measures to satisfy those requirements, shall
contribute to identifying and, where appropriate, implementing any measure needed tostrengthen the industrial and technological base of the defence sector, shall participate in
defining a European capabilities and armaments policy, and shall assist the Council in
evaluating the improvement of military capabilities
(so member states have to actively improve their military capabilities??! For "The Union"?)
"Those Member States whose military capabilities fulfil higher criteria and which
have made more binding commitments to one another in this area with a view to the
most demanding missions shall establish permanent structured cooperation within the
Union framework. Such cooperation shall be governed by Article 28 E. It shall not affect
the provisions of Article 28 B."
(does this mean us? Does this mean we will be paty of a "permanent structured cooperation within the Union"?)
Page C-306/15
Article 8-B
"4. Not less than one million citizens who are nationals of a significant number of
Member States may take the initiative of inviting the European Commission, within the
framework of its powers, to submit any appropriate proposal on matters where citizens
consider that a legal act of the Union is required for the purpose of implementing the Treaties."
(So to petition against the EU, you have to ask for further laws?)
Page C-306/12
Article 3-A
"3. Pursuant to the principle of sincere cooperation, the Union and the Member States shall,
in full mutual respect, assist each other in carrying out tasks which flow from the Treaties"
"The Member States shall facilitate the achievement of the Union's tasks and refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union's objectives.’."
"The Member States shall take any appropriate measure, general or particular, to ensure
fulfilment of the obligations arising out of the Treaties or resulting from the acts of the
institutions of the Union." (Member states should take measure against acts of other members?)
Friday, 23 April 2010
or the men that were slain, or the songs that they sang,
but I know that the battles continue this day,
for the violence remains, here to stay.
Fighting for freedom, for love and for peace
they clashed swords with Fate and let Death take his prizes
For out of the carnage and blood nothing rises
Save evil and sin, Destiny's twin, blackened and twisted it rises within
each of the fallen's kin, to continue the fight on another day,
Avenging their father's and brother's lay slain, the children grow up, inheriting pain.
And so it continues, this violent act,
when brother kills brother, in an unholy pact,
to continue the wars of their father's time,
The infinite battle, the ultimate crime,
of taking a life not of your own, to returning to earth another's blood sweat and bone.
The family awaits at their home all alone but their father lay dead on the cold earth and stone,
when will the price of battle become, too much to bear for the people now numb,
from fear of attack and terror and lies
they fall on their knees and preach to the skies
for an end to the violence, to cut all their ties
to the anger of the past, to the embrace they despise.
No longer do men fight blade with blade
Nor fight with honour, in the glade.
Times past when Death did wait his turn
for bodies to fall amongst the fern
with a blade through heart and destiny self-made the soldiers took themselves to the grave.
Now war continues to take its dead
And the fields and sand are still painted red
And Death waits by with gleeful amusement
at the people's panic and their confusement.
But now the dead are innocents slain
by the bombs that fall as if like rain
to burn and brighten the darkest night
the people fall, against the might
for no longer do men use sword and bow
to take their victims blow by blow.
For now the weapons are guns and bombs
which flatten cities- ash falls like snow
amongst the rubble and ruin and blood the children do weep amongst the mud
to inherit the pain once more and again
to continue the battle, to avenge the slain,
Never once knowing it is all the same,
the perpetual fight, the infinite battle,
that nothing has changed in centuries past,
save the weapons that kill have surpassed
mere bows and axes, swords and steel,
The children still are left to feel
the pain and anguish of their father's fight
to which no end, is ever in sight
The infinite battle, born again, always stays the same.
I don't know the end, or how it began,
or the men that were slain, or the songs that they sang,
but I know that the battles continue this day,
for the violence remains, here to stay.
Friday, 2 April 2010
We have lost.
You cannot fight for peace, it is a contradiction. If the government owns the people, who owns the government? You have to look at the people behind the elected officials, the people who fund them, the elected official's business partners and friends/allies, the corporations who own a stake in the government or the leaders. And that is too much work for the average citizen, who will dismiss everything that does not fit into their "reality tunnel" as conspiracy, who will not see what is happening until it is too late.
The human race has already lost. We lost the game. We lost the race. We just plain lost. This is because we have the weapon capabilities to destroy the planet a hundred times over. Imagine if there was world peace tomorrow. Everyone's happy, no wars, just peace. There would still be thousands of nuclear warheads and deadly weapons across the globe. So we constantly live in the fear of annihilation. This fear of annihilation and the lust for military dominance leads countries to a perpetual arms race to develop the most powerful, accurate, deadly (etc) weapons or systems so that they can own it before any other country, because they are more "responsible" or "democratic". Yeah we have lost. Doesn't mean we should stop trying for peace. Doesn't mean we should stop trying to make things better, or standing up for human rights where ever they are violated. But it does mean that we lost, a long time ago. It wasn't your fault, don't worry. It was the culprits that it always has been- the elected and unelected leaders who own the world and think they know what's best. If it was up to the man in the street, we probably wouldn't be at war. We probably wouldn't have developed nuclear weapons. Because the ordinary citizen does not feel any need to war, or develop super weapons, or kill or maim. The ordinary citizen only begins to think so when the social institutions- the media, religion, propaganda from the governments, etc- begin to tell him that they need to go to war or develop a super weapon.
So yeah. Humanity, the dumbest species on the planet. Constantly warring since recorded history. Yet now we have the capabilities of destroying the planet many, many times over- and it's getting worse, more advanced weapons are developing with more military power than ever. So I would be afraid if I were you. Not afraid enough that you hide in a corner and weep, but afraid enough that you go and spread information, or organise yourselves, do action. Because you have two choices. You can either try and act, spread info, talk to people, get angry at the state of affairs and try and change things while we still have a pseudo-democracy, or, you can go shopping. Yeah that's right, shopping. Go about your day as normal, go shopping, "What do I care, I'm going to die one day anyway". Yeah that's the right attitude to have. Don't think about our future, our children.. just think about yourself. 'Cos that's what you've been programmed to do, you little robots, to be selfish little drones, caught up in routines and shopping and cycles self-perpetuating throughout your life, whilst outside of the bubble of society.. bombs fall from the skies destroying cities and killing innocents.. people starve and suffer from the effects of the globalisation of our corporations, the entities we feed with our consumer spending as we live comfortably, never having to see the how our hard-earned money is used to destroy the world.. third world countries are being taken advantage of, for their resources, their land, their waters, their people as a source of labour, their rainforests.. Whilst a western agenda keeps their populations in a state of ignorance and cynicism, closely monitored by the Big Brother state..
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
MK-ULTRA was supposedly ended in the 1970's, though there is information out there from former CIA members and veterans that suggest that the project being disbanded was a cover story, or at least that similar projects are being continued. Until organisations like the CIA are disbanded or declassified, the people will remain ignorant and will remain under control. Do you really think that the CIA, for example, has stopped these sort of experiments? Or do you not think that they learned a few things from these experiments? The fact that they were conducting this sort of research is very, very worrying. And with more finance and greater technology in today's world, things are only going to get worse. Project HAARP, for example, is very worrying and there seems to be more to it than they would like to admit. We are under surveillance, we are under control. The worrying thing is how the government, media, and secret service leaders are all linked together if you investigate, even if it is merely financial, funding is being shared around between these powerful institutions to which we are all under the influence of.
I will continue this with more information when I have a chance.
Here's a link to a video about MK-ULTRA: Mk Ultra Project - very scary
CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA
Can We Have The Freedom To Have A Critical Debate Please?
The problem is, despite many debates and scientific evidence in support of marijuana, and the hemp plant in general, it remains an illegal, yet natural substance. Despite growing up alongside the plant, many societies have in the last century or so, criminalised the plant and its use by individuals.
As responsible, supposedly free adults, in a democratic society we only have a limited control on our consciousness and how we choose to explore our consciousness, possibly one of the most fundamental aspects of our existence. We are conditioned and programmed from birth to fit into a specific frame-of-mind if you will, or reality, to have certain views on existence and how reality works, and discouraged from exploring our spirituality and our consciousness. There are many levels and functions to the human brain, yet we as societies seem to hail the "alert problem-solving" level as the highest and most admirable level to be on, the alert problem-solving level is seen as as being consciousness, when we have many different brain waves and potentiality to explore. We are not allowed to take mind-altering substances that allow us to expand our minds further, or unlock possibilities, hence the misinformation promoted and the strict laws which mean that if you take a mind-altering substance, you are a criminal and can be locked up with murderers, rapists and other real criminals.. to take a substance which only impacts on your own body cannot be criminal. To smoke or ingest a plant that has grown up alongside humanity cannot be a criminal act. To exercise free will to explore your consciousness cannot be criminal.
The problem, is that in our societies the only legal option for altering your mind is alcohol and prescription drugs. There are also legal highs but many of them are now shown to be as dangerous as the illegal ones, sometimes more so. Socially acceptable drugs though, are alchohol and tobacco, two of the most dangerous substances known to man. Tobacco contains nicotine, one of the most addictive substances, and the tar build-up and chemicals in tobacco and smoke lead to thousands of deaths each year, as well as cancers and other illnesses. Alcohol kills thousands each year as well, and leads to violence and criminal acts, huge NHS bills, and leads to many complications and addictions. All people are asking for, is the right to choose what to put into their body. Society and Law states that only alcohol and cigarettes are acceptable, despite the dangers and the deaths and addictions they cause. The argument for legalising or at least decriminalising Marijuana does not go along the lines of "all drugs should be legal". We all know the huge dangers drugs like Cocaine, Speed, Heroin, Crystal Meth etc cause. All people are asking for is an informed debate about Marijuana and the hemp plant, with rational and critical thinking, not the petty arguments against it you hear on the news, from politicians and ignorant people:
"Well it's a drug so it's dangerous"... (so is alcohol, shown to be far worse.. and cigarettes of course)
"Well if you're going to legalise Marijuana you may as well legalise Cocaine etc" (, the debate is about marijuana and it's dangers/benefits, not harder more damaging drugs- notice how often that remark is thrown by people opposed to Marijuana, they start comparing it to very harmful drugs such as Cocaine and Heroin, ignoring the facts)
"Well it's illegal for a reason" (If we cannot have rational critical debates about law in a democratic society, then there is no true democracy. The government is not always right, it makes mistakes, sometimes huge mistakes, and sometimes it thinks it knows what is best for you when it is not. Look at Tobacco for example. For a while it was legal to purchase at the age of 16, then a few years ago it was raised to 18. Does this mean that the government made a mistake? Or they looked into it again and realised how harmful it is for you? Think of how many people turned 16 and thought "oh I'll buy some Tobacco", to become addicted to it, and then the law changed. So these 16/17 year olds addicted to smoking Tobacco have now become, in essence, criminals if they continue to purchase Tobacco. Laws should be discussed and debated over, we cannot place all our freedom and the rule of Law in the government's hands, they are elected by the people for the people and so should answer to the people- in theory)
The arguments against it go on in similar vein and are similarly ridiculous. Often people in the media attempting to have a rational debate about Marijuana are shot down with these ridiculous arguments against it. Basically the argument against it is that people cannot be trusted with their own minds and bodies, people cannot be trusted with free will, if Marijuana was legalised crime and deaths would go up (ha! really?), etc etc. It's funny because people against Marijuana often ignore the fact that Amsterdam has legalised Cannabis consumption and sale in special coffee shops, and the city is not under a siege of crime or deaths or accidents, and if you look at the figures far less youth smoke Marijuana than in other cities. It's often the case that making something criminal only creates an underground, making it more appealing. If Marijuana was legalised, people would still make rational, independant decisions about their own bodies, it's not like everyone would suddenly become full-time stoners, just like not everyone is an alcoholic. It would be illegal to smoke and drive, just like drinking, and working under the influence etc, it would not cause a mass pandemic. There is too little faith in the people and the leaders that be feel that we need more laws to control us and restrict what we choose to do with our lives.
At the end of the day I think it is ridiculous to call someone a criminal for ingesting a naturally-growing plant that has been with humans since our beginnings. We naturally have cannabinoid receptors in our brains that bind with the THC in Marijuana, there is no other purpose for these receptors so it is clear we have evolved alongside the plant. Our prisons are too full, and there are more pressing, real criminals that should be in prison instead of pot-smokers. If it was decriminalised than there would be no criminal dealing, if you could grow a plant in your house people would be happy to just smoke Cannabis in their own home. If it was taxed there would be a massive revenue for governments. Instead we are wasting so much of our taxpayers money on the "War on Drugs" and catching pot-smokers who do not commit any other "crime" than ingesting a natural plant. To be honest, it would be nice to have another drug to choose from other than alcohol (yes alcohol is a drug, and not an innocent drug either) in society, one which does not lead to mass violence and addiction, AA meetings etc.
The Cultivation of Cannabis can lead to a maximum imprisonment of 14 years.
If a person goes out, gets drunk, and commits Actual Bodily Harm, the maximum imprisonment is 5 years.
So we live in a society where to cultivate a natural plant and a fairly safe drug can lead to 14 years in the prison system (costing a huge sum of money over the years not to mention the psychological effect on the person), yet to commit Actual Bodily Harm (which occurs frequently when alcohol is introduced- the media panic over street crime and violence may be exaggerated or scare-tactics but it often involves alcohol, especially football hooliganism) against a person can lead to 5 years in comparison.
Not to mention the fact that in the UK, Cannabis is now a Class B substance leading to an unlimited fine or 5 years for simply possession. The website states that "Class B drugs are drugs that are less dangerous than Class A ones, but they can still be harmful. Class B drugs include cannabis and some amphetamines" and "Class C drugs are less dangerous to the user than Class A and Class B drugs."
So apparently, Cannabis is more harmful than Ketamine. Which does not seem to stand up to reason or critical debate but hey, they are the experts after all. It also places Cannabis in the same category of harmfulness and possible prison sentence as amphetamines, a group of drugs which are very harmful to your body both physically and mentally. Oh and apparently Magic Mushrooms are a Class A substance with possible sentences of 7 years in prison for possession, or life in prison for dealing. But we won't go into that here, this is about the debate about Cannabis. A debate which has support from people in high places, people in authority, thousands of people worldwide, medical professionals, etc so it's not just "dumb pot-heads" who want it legalised, it has support from many people and the debate will not die down, nor will people stop using the natural plant. Making it a Class A won't stop people. Making people criminals for taking it will not stop them. Because that is also an issue, whenever a new law is created, more criminals are created, and then "oh no the crime rate seems to be going up". Well, you did just make X percent of law abiding citizens now criminals. The other issue is the banning of Cannabis leads many to ignore the hemp plant, a vastly versatile plant which has so many uses it could actually alleviate many of the world's problems. We've turned away from hemp and it's uses into a synthetic, mass-produced world where natural is illegal and the Laws created by Man are superior to Nature. Uses of Hemp
All this is asking for, is continued support for the ongoing debate. In a truly democratic society, people should be allowed to voice their opinions and have critical, rational debate with people looking at the facts and not propaganda and misinformation, and defensive arguments that do not stand up to reason. Let people voice their opinions, and let people be responsible for their own bodies and their own actions.
Debates in the media. Look at these videos and similar videos and weigh up your own views and opinions:
CNN Larry King 03/13/2009 - discusses hemp use as well and its prohibition
Why is Marijuana Illegal? - interviews with the US public on their views and how it came to be illegal
A GREAT MARIJUANA DEBATE! - a pro-legalisation guy versus a dumbass
Marijuana Debate On CNBC - again a pro-legalisation/anti-legalisation debate..
Monday, 29 March 2010
Is there a War on Consciousness?
Our languages and beliefs are just our constructs of models and concepts that we transpose onto the universe. Words, for example, have no meaning. Many languages will have different words for the same thing, but that does not mean one is superior or more correct than another. Our beliefs and ideologies are created and negotiated by us as we try and work out what is going on, everything is just a model for something, there are only theories and words for processes, when often we cannot or do not see the full workings. So to say something cannot happen is a great leap in judgement, everything is as it is, as it is. Things don't just change because one day homo sapiens became consciously aware and started questioning things. "That can't work, it doesn't fit into the model that we have created for the universe". Everything is, as it is, as it is. We apply the meaning.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Our Veins are full of Oil
Our economies are based on Oil, to the extent that our government and it's allies deem it necessary/acceptable to begin warfare and occupation of a foreign state in order to maintain control of their Oil reserves. Whether this was the main reason for occupation, or mearly as "Well we're already here so may as well control the Oil" is debatable, though it is more than likely to be a major factor in the decision to invade. The flow of money, interest rates, the fabric of our economies are strongly linked to Oil, and the results of warfare. Many countries profit from the wars caused, and the amount of Oil that is produced. A fluctuating economy based on Oil and death is not sustainable, it cannot be a part of our vision for the future, or a democratic society.
Oil is death. It is based on death and causes wars. Oil is created by the remains of dead plants and animals that come under pressure to produce oil, a process taking hundreds of thousands of years. Think of how quickly the petrol in your car is used up, and then think of how long it has taken for that Oil to have been formed. And how many people died to get it to your car. We are stealing from animals that died in the past and using the oil that is formed over thousands of years, which is not sustainable as we are using it at a far faster rate than it is being created. We are stealing from the future, because it is inevitable that the Oil reserves will run out, or at least get to a critical point. We are bringing a global crisis closer and closer to us in the present by each passing day. Scientists do not know precisely when the Oil reserves will run out, but then again scientists do not know when our actions will cause Global Warming or Climate Change to reach an irreversible point. Perhaps this is why people do not care. There will come a point where our actions will be irreversible, but at the moment we can continue our actions and that is why people do not care- the majority only care for their lifetime, not those of the future. But it is clear whichever way you look at it, that the Oil industry is insanity.
What are the negatives of Oil? It is not sustainable and takes hundreds of thousands of years to form. It's use and by-products generate dangerous, harmful pollution. It makes economies fluctuate based on the amount of Oil in 'circulation' or production, and also based on who has it at a given time. It leads to recessions and harm to citizens who have to pay more when it is scarcer or when the companies that control it put up the price of a barrel. It causes endless warfare, with thousands if not millions killed over the course of history- it is a resource based on death from the minute it begins being formed under the earth. Countries go to war over it- it is a finite resource which is not equally distributed, leading those who own large Oil reserves to be either in a position of power, or in danger of warfare, occupation, sabotage, bribery, etc etc. It damages the environment and ecosystems (see Ecuador and Chevron/Texaco's actions), it harms people, is toxic... This list goes on and on but what is clear is that Oil causes a lot of damage to the planet, to ecosystems, to people, to countries, to economies, etc.. We cannot and will not continue to harm the planet and the people by such a Fossil Fuel- we need sustainability and a renewable resource which does not cause harm.
The leaders that be, are more than the elected officials of the governing bodies. In a world based on money, it is inevitable that the people in power, the ones with influence, will be the immensely rich and wealthy individuals. The gap between the poorest people on the planet and the richest people is astronomical. People with money always want more money. This is why Oil has not been outlawed, why we do not use alternative, sustainable resources, at least to a satisfactory level. There is too much money in Oil, to just give it up suddenly. Think about it- Profit is based on scarcity. If a sustainable, renewable energy source was used tomorrow, there would not be as much money in it for those concerned with such a thing. If there was only 100 barrels of Oil in the world tomorrow, think how much money those barrels would be worth to the world. Profit is based on scarcity. If it was suddenly discovered that cars could run on air, for example, where would the money be in that? Not saying that air could be used to run the world as an energy source, but then again light can.. Solar power would once have been thought of as insane, but is a real possibility. However it is still not enough, and is still very expensive to place solar panels on your house or car.. But then again this shows where the money and research is being spent, not enough is being done because the leaders of the world still base everything on Oil. Think about it. There is no reason why we cannot ween ourselves of Oil and stop this addiction. The only thing that connects Oil to the world and its economies is money. Oil = Money. But also, Money = Oil. We base our money on Oil, a finite substance that is not even equally distributed, so we can essentially give our economy to a foreign power if they have all the Oil- imagine if they refused to sell the Oil? Or if they put up the price of a barrel tomorrow? We would either declare war or our economy would suffer..
Enter the Hemp plant. [to be continued]
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Intentions and Reptiles
I don't think this is much discussed or people actually realise the meaning of this research.. And then I look on the TV and see reality shows and brain numbing material and want to go out and shout to the public saying "We are beautiful and have more potential than we can ever imagine, why are we letting ourselves be sucked into the mundane, trapped by the ordinary, stuck in routine?" The oldest part or "circuit" of the human brain is supposed to be the reptilian brain, and is concerned with routines. Located in the brain stem, it is concerned with our autonomous vital needs and our fight-or-flight system. It is concerned with routine, as stated, and instincts, rituals. Despite our newer, higher brain forms a lot of people tend to stay on this base level. However you can hardly blame people when the media and advertising use techniques to appeal to this part of the brain, and lower people down to a baser level. Notice how a lot of people can be quick to anger, have road rage, not think rationally, are wrapped up in routines and rituals constantly, and cannot think for themselves to a great deal. This could be because of the reptilian-derived part of the brain. We should be above this by now, but either consciously or unconsciously the institutions that be (media, gvt. etc) appear to be keeping everyone on a baser level utilising fear, sex (media- sex sells), routines, discouraging thought (possibly not actively but mainstream TV does not provoke too much thinking in the average viewer), anger, discouraging spirituality (from a rationalist perspective- "spirituality is nonsense", "there's no evidence for it"- despite large advances in scientific theory that often are downplayed or not given as much coverage in the media) which aims to raise people's consciousness to higher thinking instead of the baser levels. Think to yourself, how often do you get lost in routine, feel dazed and confused as to what else to do, or how often do you switch off and watch dull TV, or are quick to anger, or are persuaded by advertising and marketing appealing to the reptilian aspect... Maybe if we start to catch ourselves doing it we can get out of this brain-fogging that the mainstream media and institutions seem to be (actively or not) encouraging.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
On the subject of atoms.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Warnings from the future
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Illusions of Grandeur
The wind screamed horrifically as it kissed bare skin with steel blades, icy tears dropping like bombs shattered shards on the concrete forest. Figures below hurried along pre-set paths or inside metallic beasts roaming the endless roads, looking for a way out. The background people walked by, shadows and caricatures of each other they shuffled and bumped their way through pedestrian traffic. Some stopped and lit cigarettes, pausing to reflect on the chaos around them, nicotine sharpening their mind as their pupils contracted, taking in the scene before them. Silhouettes of people lost in their own worlds, the never-ending fall down the rabbit-hole that is consciousness. "Some day all of this will be yours", fathers whispered to their children over fast food and asparteme drinks. The children, smiling, look around at the post-dawn chaos and the shuffling presence of shadows, acknowledging no more than the advertisements and branding allowed. Caught up in the system, the background people could not see that what restricted them, each experiencing mass-produced consciousness that was injected intravenously. Society was fabricated and shaped by the social institutions which governed the people. Mass media organisations, religious institutions, corporate branding- all served on some level to keep the mass population from reaching their potential. War, poverty, evil and the like were, it was taught, fundamental parts of human existence which could never be eradicated. Once the people had surrendered to these ideals, their fighting spirit was subdued and they fell on their knees, seeking guidance from those who had reached a level of power and influence, which was measured by wealth. Most of the people were happy about this, their lives they knew would be short, because they were told that life was short. And so they lived for the 'morrow, the days that never came, and their thoughts dwelled on the past, days which seemed so much happier and better.
Killer Story- Part One
“The tangible mortality of man lends itself inevitably to the postulation of the infinite, for it is in the very nature of man to continually and exponentially question and ponder things beyond his own understanding and experience. Thus it is no great departure for man to overextend his empirical and cultural beliefs and explore the unknown. This is how we learn; being a creature of adaptation and curiosity we consistently produce new thoughts and beliefs, often without fully acknowledging their presence or validity. The issue of validity or morality is a subjective, social creation- information itself is devoid of conscious morality or opinion, and thus it can be stated that any information or 'ideas' are equally 'valid' and of importance; whether it can be used for good or evil is a matter of intention and subjective views of morality. This lends itself well to the formation of ideas and ideals- for advancement in this area is always as a result of building upon pre-existing information, be it prior ideologies; cultural and/or social values; historical theology; or any number of ideas that survive the passage of time and are transmitted via the shared information pool to which all thoughts and ideas belong. Do you understand? To which all thoughts belong, therefore we inevitably share the intrinsic experiences of others, a collective unconsciousness to which no specific owner is attributed. Your pain is my pain, and vice versa. Do not think you suffer alone, oh my brother, when what you are experiencing is merely the physical manifestation of the suffering we all experience, passed through the generations... Do you not feel enlightened? Suffering breeds clarity, it is through pain that we learn more about ourselves and our limits; there is nothing more pure than pain. Do you understand me?”
The mess on the floor groaned deeply and shifted it's head slightly, spitting blood onto the white marble. A bloodied eye set it's gaze upwards, fixating on the figure standing over it. The pupil dilated slightly at the shift in light, the nervous system still reacting to external stimuli somewhere beneath the pain. Of course the pupil is just a hole, a hollow in the centre of the eye. The blackness of the hole is the abyss inside of the eye, the darkness that hides inside all of us. The other eye was closed shut, swollen and bruised, with a deep capillary cut seeping below. The once-immaculate business suit of the villain was now soaked in dark blood as if it had been dumped in a sink of claret, and ripped in several places where thick gashes had penetrated the skin and opened it up, exposing layers of fat and muscle below the skin. But the deep gashes were not random nor were they a sign of butchery, very much the contrary. The lacerations appeared to be ordered, methodical, calculated. The deep lacerations served to sever important nerves, meticulously chosen and artistically executed. At the shoulders, the axillary nerves on each side of the body were pierced, cutting off the deltoid muscle's function to enable the arm to be lifted away from the body. The medial collateral ligaments of both knees were severed, leading to swelling due to haemorrhage and severe loss of function as anterior cruciate ligament damage also occurred in both knees. Deep capillary lacerations in the chest, cranium and limbs meant severe blood loss would occur, though slower than if arterial or vein lacerations had occurred. The result was indeed bloody and horrific but was carried out with a trained eye, not the work of a butcher but of an artist.
The shadow of a man lay in the grips of agonising pain and localised paralysis as blood seeped from open wounds onto the sparse white marble floor of his 'humble' abode. The material ornaments, artefacts and trinkets gathered in life and placed about the room brought no comfort to the man as he lay confronted with his own mortality, the metallic taste of iron in his mouth bitter-sweet. Life extended before and beyond him, a series of fleeting imagery and forgotten memories of a time long past, before the rapturous love of material wealth overtook his soul and the lustful glee of power took away his compassion for humanity. It is in the moments before death that one truly measures the worth of a man, for it is in those final moments that the true spirit of a man shines through and the material, corporeal world is transcended in a final beautiful moment of shining glory. But this man's soul was crushed long before the blows to his moral shell, and as such his eye was dull and vacant as it stared upwards, beyond the figure of retribution, beyond and beyond this mortal world and it's fleeting moments...
Our hero pauses for a moment, a small smirk playing around the corner of his lips. This one would not last much longer, his breathing was already becoming shallower and more laboured as time ticked by, the large grandfather clock's tick-tick-ticking the only sound to be heard in the large entrance hall besides the almost inaudible, laboured breaths of the clock's owner. The grandeur of the house was wasted on these two figures, infinitely closer in those final moments than two people ever have been- as the hand of retribution cupped the villain's face, their gazes locked and a deep understanding was passed silently between them. The villain opened his mouth slightly to speak but all that came out was silence, blood flowing from his mouth onto his torn chest. Our hero put a finger to his bloodied lips and grasped his hand as he whispered into his ear,
“Shh. No need for words. I understand you now more than anyone ever has and ever will. You have surrounded yourself with the comforts of the flesh and hid away from the responsibilities of Man, seeking pleasure and materialism over helping others. You have stepped on many people to get where you are now, ruined many lives and brought poverty and despair to those around you. But true poverty lies in the heart of Man, for you knew not what true wealth was, so blinded by the ethics of the very society that has turned against you. But fear not, my brother, for this is your moment of enlightenment. I have made you pure, Hayward Browne. You have never been more fit for heaven that you are now. For you see, you have done the bravest, most selfless act of your life this pensive eve. For you have died.”
And with that final speech, the villain knew peace. The thinnest of all smiles played upon the corner of his lips, and his eyelid slowly closed over and a final sigh left his body, as quiet and content as a child's sigh as it lay in the arms of its mother with no fears in the world, safe and content, knowing true peace as it slipped slowly into the soft, warm abyss of unconsciousness. Our hero lay there with the body as the warmth slowly left it, the last vestibules of mortality fleeing the human vessel as the pool of cooling blood congealed around him.