Friday, 2 April 2010

We have lost.

Until the military is disbanded there will be no peace. There can never be peace if your country is vying for military dominance. Until the secret services, secret organisations and secret behaviour of the government is stopped, we will continue to be slaves. For you cannot truly be free when those above you conduct themselves under secrecy. The governing body should be the most transparent institution of them all.

You cannot fight for peace, it is a contradiction.  If the government owns the people, who owns the government? You have to look at the people behind the elected officials, the people who fund them, the elected official's business partners and friends/allies, the corporations who own a stake in the government or the leaders. And that is too much work for the average citizen, who will dismiss everything that does not fit into their "reality tunnel" as conspiracy, who will not see what is happening until it is too late.

The human race has already lost. We lost the game. We lost the race. We just plain lost. This is because we have the weapon capabilities to destroy the planet a hundred times over. Imagine if there was world peace tomorrow. Everyone's happy, no wars, just peace. There would still be thousands of nuclear warheads and deadly weapons across the globe. So we constantly live in the fear of annihilation. This fear of annihilation and the lust for military dominance leads countries to a perpetual arms race to develop the most powerful, accurate, deadly (etc) weapons or systems so that they can own it before any other country, because they are more "responsible" or "democratic". Yeah we have lost. Doesn't mean we should stop trying for peace. Doesn't mean we should stop trying to make things better, or standing up for human rights where ever they are violated. But it does mean that we lost, a long time ago. It wasn't your fault, don't worry. It was the culprits that it always has been- the elected and unelected leaders who own the world and think they know what's best. If it was up to the man in the street, we probably wouldn't be at war. We probably wouldn't have developed nuclear weapons. Because the ordinary citizen does not feel any need to war, or develop super weapons, or kill or maim. The ordinary citizen only begins to think so when the social institutions- the media, religion, propaganda from the governments, etc- begin to tell him that they need to go to war or develop a super weapon.

So yeah. Humanity, the dumbest species on the planet. Constantly warring since recorded history. Yet now we have the capabilities of destroying the planet many, many times over- and it's getting worse, more advanced weapons are developing with more military power than ever. So I would be afraid if I were you. Not afraid enough that you hide in a corner and weep, but afraid enough that you go and spread information, or organise yourselves, do action. Because you have two choices. You can either try and act, spread info, talk to people, get angry at the state of affairs and try and change things while we still have a pseudo-democracy, or, you can go shopping. Yeah that's right, shopping. Go about your day as normal, go shopping, "What do I care, I'm going to die one day anyway". Yeah that's the right attitude to have. Don't think about our future, our children.. just think about yourself. 'Cos that's what you've been programmed to do, you little robots, to be selfish little drones, caught up in routines and shopping and cycles self-perpetuating throughout your life, whilst outside of the bubble of society.. bombs fall from the skies destroying cities and killing innocents.. people starve and suffer from the effects of the globalisation of our corporations, the entities we feed with our consumer spending as we live comfortably, never having to see the how our hard-earned money is used to destroy the world.. third world countries are being taken advantage of, for their resources, their land, their waters, their people as a source of labour, their rainforests.. Whilst a western agenda keeps their populations in a state of ignorance and cynicism, closely monitored by the Big Brother state..

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