Tuesday, 1 September 2009

The Beginning of the End

Well it seems I have succumbed finally to the inevitability of the world of the 'blog'. A strange word, both irritably catchy and strangely alluring, it appears to successfully capture, in one syllable, the collective thoughts and ramblings of the general public. A one-syllable word that is immediate and in a sense meaningless, perhaps my thoughts and ramblings that I usually amuse myself with or spout at random intervals throughout the day. I would have liked to have started this years ago, to be perfectly honest. Many viewpoints, ideas, stories and the like have probably been forgotten over the years or sunk into my sub-conscious mind to create problems with my mental health in future years. It seems that a lot of our generation are set to rack up large psychiatrist bills in future as we stumbled out of the 90's in a daze, as the bright summer sun started to fade and the 'Real World' loomed overhead, as we all look at each other in unanimous realisation that we are unprepared for the trivialties and bureacracy of the working world. Our parents and figures came out of the 60's, 70's and 80's in much the same way, their illusions shattered and many recovering from the withdrawls of the culture of the times. And we are even more unprepared than they were. We have nothing to look forward to, an age of technology and instant communication allowing us to look at the broad history behind us and realise that it's all been done before, and age-old violence continues even into the new millennium. I heard once that we had been branded "the lost generation", the late 80's and the 90's generation. Fitting title. Many do seem lost, the failures of the past burdened on a confused people. Maybe we'll make a difference, one day. And hopefully it will not be too late.